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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

King Saud University Faculty Member Presents at Annual Symposium on Second Language Writing

Dr. Maimoonah Al Khalil, faculty member at the College of Arts in the Department of English Language and Literature at King Saud University, participated in the 14th Symposium on Second Language Writing held November 19-21, 2015 in Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. The theme of the conference was 'Learning to Write for Academic Purposes.' The 363 symposium attendees included academics and specialists from different universities in countries around the world. Dr. Al Khalil presented research within the theme of the symposium and has participated in several local and international scientific forums. She is interested in foundations of academic writing and currently directs the Centre for Writing in English (CWE) at King Saud University. The Centre for Writing in English is supervised by the Vice Rectorate for Educational and Academic Affairs and has greatly benefited from the logistic support of university administration.