Drafting Patent Application Claims: Case Study at the USPTO and the SPO
Entrepreneurship Institute - Intellectual Property & Technology Licensing Program organizing a Lecture:
Drafting Patent Application Claims: Case Study at the USPTO and the SPO
Under the patronage of Vice Rector for Graduate Studies & Scientific Research, Prof. Ahmed S. Al-Aameri. On Wednesday, Rabi’ I 27, 1440h corresponding to December 05, 2018g; 10:00 AM Entrepreneurship Institute – building (6) with Broadcasting to Girl Campus – building (30) Scientific shared halls – auditorium (1).
Videos; https://ksusa-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/haljumaiah_ksu_edu_sa/EYhJf2bHuU1LkSPqrDTWDSQB7yJZIOwJIkFoPZJuD6UjZA?e=hRhMOe