COEIA KSU Organizes S20 Webinar on Digital Revolution

The Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) at King Saud University organized the third session of Science 20 (S20) webinar on “Digital Revolution: Navigating Critical Transitions” on 31 August 2020. The Webinar addressed the digital revolution from the S20 perspective, and discussed disruptive technologies that are needed to accelerate the transition to emerging technologies including cybersecurity, connectivity, AI, big data, IoT, and smart communities. 


KSU Collaborative Research on Vehicular Cybersecurity Wins ‘Best Paper Award’

KSU Collaborative Research on Vehicular Cybersecurity Wins ‘Best Paper Award’

KSU Collaborative Research on Vehicular Cybersecurity Wins ‘Best Paper Award’


King Saud University Scoops Cybersecurity Awards

KSU Academic Garners “Best Computer Scientist Award”

Appointment of PSCEMS Vice Dean for Development & Quality

Appointment of PSCEMS Vice Dean for Development & Quality

H.E. the Rector, King Saud University - Prof. Badran Al Omar - order to appoint Dr. Samyah Al Anazi to "Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz College for Emergency Medical Services" as "Vice Dean for College Development & Quality" starting December 2022. Dean, P.S.C.E.M.S. - Dr. Osama Samarkandi - joined with all college faculty & staff in congratulate Dr. Al Anazi.

King Saud University Gets a US Patent on Automotive Cybersecurity

King Saud University Gets a US Patent on Automotive Cybersecurity

King Saud University Gets a US Patent on Automotive Cybersecurity


Appointment "Prince Sultan College for E.M.S. Director, Administrative Affairs"

Appointment Mr. Nabeel as "Prince Sultan College for E.M.S. Director, Administrative Affairs"

H.E. the Rector, King Saud University - Prof. Badran Al Omar - order to extension the appointment of Mr. Nabeel Abdulqader to "Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz College for Emergency Medical Services" as "Director of Administrative Affairs", effective by March 2022. 

Mr. Nabeel Abdulqader, M.B.A. graduate; joined King Saud University and moved up his career experience through his exceptional performance with a various background in leadership & administrative roles. 

المركز يشارك في فعالية شارك 2

SCDR and UDC Sharik

شارك المركز الاستراتيجي لأبحاث السكري بكلية الطب في جامعة الملك سعود في (فعالية شارك) لليوم الثاني بعرض منشور حول تعاونه مع المركز الجامعي للسكر في المدينة الطبية بجامعة الملك سعود . وقد ابرز المنشور طبيعة التعاون المشترك بين كلا المركزين ونتائج التجارب البحثية . فقد استخدم كلا من المركزين  مصادر ابحاث الخبراء للمركز الإستراتجي لأبحاث السكري والمصادر الإكلينيكية لمركز السكر بشكل جيد وذلك في اطار  التعاون بينهما لنشهد تحسنا وتطورا  ملحوظ في نتائج البحث الأكاديمي والتدريب ورعاية المرضى .و قد حاز المنشور على محل تقدير واهتمام من سعادة الدكتور البروفيسور أحمد صلاح ترسي اثناء حضور الفعالية .

SCDR Participates in Sharik 2 event

The Strategic Center for Diabetes Research (SCDR) at the College of Medicine, King Saud University participated in the 2nd Sharik Day event with a poster presentation about its collaboration with the University Diabetes Center (UDC), King Saud University Medical City. The poster highlighted the complementary nature of the collaboration between the centers, resulting in synergistic outcomes.

Director of the Center of Translation, Arabization, and Sparking Interest in the Arabic Language of the Gulf Cooperation Council visits the Translation Center

The Translation Center at King Saud University was honored by the visit of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Abdullah bin Saif Al-Toobi, Director of the Center for Center of Translation, Arabization, and Sparking Interest in the Arabic language of the Gulf Cooperation Council.The visit came to study aspects of joint cooperation between the two sides and how to benefit from the expertise of the Translation Center at King Saud University.
