The Civil Engineering department is pleased to announce the imminent visit by the American Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). The visit, which will take place between the 7th and the 9th of Nov., is part of the re-accreditation process intended for the Civil Engineering program. It's worth
The Industrial Engineering Department has been granted a patent from the US Patent Office under the number Patent No: US 9,151,268 B1, on OCT.6, 2015. The patent titled "Wave Energy Convertor Using Oscillating Pendulums ", is invented by Prof. Ali Al-Samhan from the IE departmen
Patent Earned The Department of Civil Engineering has been granted a patent from the US Patent Office under US9,127,457 BS, on Dhu Al-Qa'dah-24-1436H. The patent titled "MACHINE FOR DEFORMING AND CUTTING PLASTIC STRIPS FOR ENHANCING CONCRETE", is invented by Prof. Mohammad J. M. Al-Shannag and Prof
With the end of year 1436H Hajj season (2015), advanced level students of Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz College for Emergency Medical Services (P.S.C.E.M.S.) completed the on-site course at the Islamic sites & Holy Mosque in Makkah, Saudi Arabia in cooperation with the Saudi Red Cresent Authority
College of Engineering at King Saud University hosted an international enrichment program during the month of July 2015, with the cooperation of King Abdulaziz and His Companions for Giftedness and Creativity (TALENT). In this connection, experts from US John Hopkins University expressed their views
In the continuation of community serving, Engineering College’s Innovation Center organized the Engineering Enrichment Summer program in Engineering Design Principles during the period of July 26 to August 13, 2015. This program was collaborated with the Foundation of King Abdulaziz and His
The Civil Engineering Department will soon celebrate the installation of new laboratory equipments at Engineering College, KSU. Latest technology equipment including: 100 kN Servo-Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine with accessories, CORELOK® for testing specific gravities of asphalt mixes, DSR
The Mentoring and Directing Unit (MDU) has organized the “Bridge Competition” in collaboration with the Civil Engineering students’ club on August 22, 2015. Teams of students were given wooden sticks with the aim of building strongest-possible prototype bridge. On last week, MDU was honored by the
The B.Sc. programs of chemical, civil and mechanical engineering were accredited by the National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment (NCAAA) in July 2015 at King Saud University. It is worth mentioning that these programs are the first Bachelor of Engineering programs approved by the
College of Engineering’s Vice deanship of Development and Quality, organized an exhibition and party on June 1, 2015 to honor distinguished graduation projects in coordination with the College Alumni & Employment Unit for the second semester of the 2014-2015 academic year. The event was hosted by
A team of KSU’s Engineering College students participated in ‘Shell Eco-marathon 2015’, which was held during the period between February 26 to March 1, 2015 in the Philippine capital Manila which was attended by more than 120 teams, representing 17 countries from all over the Asia-Pacific, Middle
As continuation of the Engineering College's efforts to get the international and national accreditation for the betterment of academic performance level, and after a year of preparation for the accreditation of the National Commission for Assessment and Academic Accreditation (NCAAA), an external