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A Memorandum of Understanding with Saudi ADHD Society (AFTA)
King Saud University signed a memorandum of understanding with Saudi ADHD Society (AFTA). The association was represented by her Highness Princess Nouf Bint Muhammed ibn Abdullah, whereas King Saud University was represented by Vice Rector for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Einas Sulaiman Al-Eisa. Her
(Your Health is a Crown 2) Exhibition in Female Student Campus
The "Your Health is a Crown 2" exhibition, which was organized by the Community Partnership Unit in the Female Student Campus, started on Sunday 15/5 and ended on Thursday 19/5. The exhibition was accompanied by dialogue sessions throughout the week that discussed several topics; "pregnancy and
Orientation Week
The Female Student Campus organized an orientation program for new freshmen students in the first week of the second semester of 1437 - 1438, which lasted from Sunday 5/8/1438 until Thursday 12/05/1438 H. Dr. Einas Sulaiman Al-Eisa, Vice-rector for Female Student Affairs, congratulated both the
The EEC visit to the College of computer and information sciences
In the presence of Dr. Yusuf Bin Abdo Asiri, King Saud University vice rector for planning and development, the officials of the EEC-HES visited the Faculty of computer and information sciences on Sunday 15/1/2017 in order to ensure the overall accreditation readiness. On this regard, the dean Dr
Lecture by Dr. Alvaro Acosta entitled “Exploiting the Fascinating Biology of Parasites and Insects to Control Vector-borne Diseases in Saudi Arabia”
The Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences in the College of Applied Medical Sciences cordially invites you to attend the above-mentioned lecture by Dr. Alvaro Acosta of the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. It will be held on Wednesday, 14th of December 2016 from 1pm to 2pm at
Institutional Accreditation Team Visits Community College
The Community College of King Saud University received a team of external reviewers of the Education Evaluation Commission – Higher Education Section ( EEC – HES ) for renewing the institutional accreditation of the university on Tuesday 07/03/1438 AH corresponding to 06/12/2016. The team members
Community College Organizes Third Meeting with Students and Honors Distinguished Students
Under the patronage of professor Abdallah Attia Al-Zahrani, dean of the Community College, the college held its third meeting with the students for the current academic year 1437/1438 on Wednesday 08/03/1438 AH to honor the distinguished students. The college approved of giving awards to the
Dr. Yazeed Al-Alsheikh, Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University
  A decision was made by the Minister of Higher Education to commission Dr. Yazeed Al-Alsheikh as new Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences from 03/01/1438 AH. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Yazeed had previously held a number of administrative and academic positions, including Head of
Community College Students Distribute Winter Clothing
Under the patronage of Professor Abdallah Attia Al-Zahrani, Dean of the Community College, some students representing the Student Activity Unit in the college distributed winter clothes among a group of workers on Tuesday 29/02/1438 AH as part of volunteering and participating in social work. The
“Mind Maps” Course at the Community College
The Student Activity Unit in the college held a training course entitled “Mind Maps” on Thursday 17/02/1438 AH given by Professor Khaled bin Nahis Al-Otaibi, Vice-dean of the Academic Affairs of the college, and attended by a number of the college students. Professor Al-Otaibi trained the students
Community College Students Visit King Faisal Specialist Hospital
In an attempt made by the Community College to increase cooperation with the local society, a number of students paid a visit to the children with cancer, may Allah make their recovery fast, at King Faisal Specialist Hospital on Thursday 24/ 02/1438 AH. The students performed some recreational shows
Department of Arts and Education at Community College Opens Learning Resource Center
Professor Abdallah Attia Al-Zahrani, Dean of the Community College, attended by the vice-deans, the heads of the departments and a big number of faculty members and students, inaugurated the Learning Resource Center at the Department of Arts and Education on Sunday 27/02/1438 AH. The inauguration